(01) 09_25_2022 Acts 17-10-11 Being a Berean
(02) 10_2_2022 Rom 1-18-23 Is God There
(03) 10_9_2022 Acts 10-34-35 Pluralism
(04) 10_16_2022 Eph 1-4-6 Election
(05) 10_23_2022 Acts 10-34-35 Suffering
(06) 10_30_2022 Rom 8-28-29 The Right Lens
(07) 11_06_2022 Jas 4-1-4 Social Justice
(08) 11_13_2022 Heb 12-1-2 Managing Expectations
(09) 11_20_2022 Matt 22-21 Church and State
(10) 12_04_2022 1 Cor. 5_9-13. Associations
(11) 12_11_2022 Acts 6-1-7 Fear Not
(12) 12_18_2022 Lk 10-38-42 Listen up
(13) 01_08_2023 Phil 2-5-8 The Way of the Cross
(14) 01_15_2023 Luke 6-20-21 The Have-nots
(15) 01_22_2023 1 Tim 6-17-19 The Have-lots
(16) 01_29_2023 Jn 12-1-8 True and False Wealth
(17) 02_05_2023 Rom 8-29 Conformed to His image
(18) 02_12_2023 Rom 1-18-32 Homosexuality
(19) 02_19_2023 Matt 5-27-28 Sexual Ethics
(20) 02_26_2023 Eph 5-21-25 Husbands Posture
(21) 03_05_2023 Eph 5-21-33 Headship and Submission
(22) 03_12_2023 Gen 2-18 Gender Distinctives
(23) 03_19_2023 Matt 19-3-9 Divorce and Remarriage
(24) 03_26_2023 Jas 1-9-10 Social Justice & the Cross
(25) 04_02_2023 Gal 6-9-10 Do Good To All
(26) 04_09_2023 1 Cor 15-19 Easter Hope
(27) 04_16_2023 1 Cor 5-9-13 Church & State