- These notes are compiled for the benefit of those who are involved in various classes taught by Jim Abrahamson.
- They are made available to others who may benefit from them.
- They are in outline form for the most part and therefore incomplete.
- They are intended to supplement lecture and discussion classes.
- They are not intended for commercial use.
Notice and General References
These study notes are the author’s summation of nearly 30 years of study. These notes have been heavily influenced by the work of others. The author gratefully acknowledges the insights of his mentors, professors, and colleagues.
There are numerous instances where a structure of ideas or organizational strategy or approach reflect conscious or unconscious leading of another author. Some of the texts to which I have depended upon most heavily are .Christian Theology by Millard Eriskson, Baker Books; Basic Theology by Charles Ryrie, Victor Books; Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by H.Wayne House, Zondervan Publishing House; Thomas Oden’s three volume systematic theology (The Living God, The Word of Life, Life in the Spirit), Harper Collins; Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem, Zondervan; God, Revelation and Authority (6 volumes) by Carl F.H. Henry, Word.
Scripture ref’s are NIV, NASV and translations from Greek and Hebrew are the author’s, unless otherwise stated.
DO NOT CITE. ©1998 - all rights reserved by the author. Full bibliography and source citations available upon request.