(01) 06-11-2012 - Psalm 1 - Stephen Crotts

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(02) 08-19-2012 - Sacrament of Baptism - Stephen Crotts

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(03) 08-26-2012 - Sacrament of Communion - Stephen Crotts

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(04) 09-16-2012 - Peeping Tom or Open Window Shade? - Charles Herbst

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(05) 09-23-2012 - Cover up and Confrontation - Charles Herbst

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(06) 06-30-2013 - Legacy of David - Charles Herbst

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(07) 07-14-2013 Filled With the Spirit - Eric McKiddie

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(08) 07-21-2013 - God's Providence - Bill Parsons

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(09) 08-18-2013 - Excerpts from Lewis, Keller & Nouwen - Terry Dorset

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(10) 08-25-2013 - To a Life Beyond - Stephen Crotts

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(11) 03-02-2014 - Romans 8 28- When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Stephen Crotts

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(12) 04-06-2014 - Computer Technology & The Gospel - Panel - Brooks, Housel, Parsons & Williams

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(13) 07-13-2014 - Psalms of Ascent - Psalms 120-134 - A theology of Humor - Stephen Crotts

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(14) 07-20-2014 - Judah's Exile to Babylon - Charles Herbst

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(15) 10-19-2014 - Euthanasia - Charles Herbst

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(16) 07-05-2015 - Biblical Insights on Aging - Randy Russell

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(17) 07-12-2015 - A Biblical Basis for Mentoring - Randy Russell

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(18) 06-05-2016 - Wisdom and Foolishness - Fred Brooks

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(19) 06-19-2016 - God's Spiritual Economy - Gary Stewart

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(20) 07-10-2016 - How can anyone say that Jesus is the only way to get to God? - Steve Ellis

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(21) 07-17-2016 - Evangelizing - Randy Adams

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(22) 07-24-2016 - What about Those Who Never Hear about Jesus? - Steve Ellis

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(23) 08-21-2016 - Euthanasia - Charles Herbst

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(24) 09-11-2016 - Genesis 1&2 - Stephen Crotts

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(25) 09-18-2016 - Who Do You Say I Am? - Steve Ellis

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(26) 09-25-2016 - The Bible - Devious Myth or Divine Message? - II Timothy 3.13-17 - Steve Ellis

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(27) 10-02-2016 - Christ Stilling the Tempest - Jim Murphy

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(28) 10-09-2016 - Major Lessons From A Minor Prophet - Stephen Crotts

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(29) 10-16-2016 - The Taste of Joy - Stephen Crotts

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(30) 01-15-2017 - The Resolution Solution - Steve Ellis

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(31) 07-16-2017 - Trip to China - Stephen Crotts

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(32) 08-06-2017 - Joy, Phil 1.1 - Stephen Crotts

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(33) 09-25-2021 - Titus - Manifesting the Grace of God - Steve Ellis

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(34) 6-12-2022 - MARK 10 - Rich Young Ruler - Steve Ellis

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(35) 8-20-2023 - Philippians 4-4-7 (Anxiety) - Steve Ellis

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(36) Best Proof of the Resurrection

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(37) 12-22-2024 - Biblical Stewardship

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