The title "Apttoteach" comes from the Greek word DIDAKTIKON in I Timothy 3:2 "a bishop then must be . . . apt to teach;"
The purpose of Apttoteach.org is to provide a resource to the Body of Christ that will assist teachers and students in their study of the Scriptures so that, as a result, a balanced, sensitive, and irenic community serving Jesus Christ, emerges.
The material on this site is specifically designed to supplement the teaching ministry of Jim Abrahamson. It is our aim that all who avail themselves of this learning resource and its information will be:
- Informed of the truths of the Scripture, in a comprehensive, balanced, irenic, and concise manner that is spiritually, socially, and intellectually responsible.
- Inspired in mind and heart to interact with the concepts and ideas presented so that spiritual edification takes place and a unified, loving, community glorifying Jesus Christ through faithful service, is promoted.
- Empowered to behave in a wise and loving manner reflecting the image of God in a broken world
- We want to promote understanding. We want to foster clear insight with due respect of the complexities of life and truth.
- We want to promote unity. We want to bring Christians, from differing experiences and backgrounds, together through a common understanding and / or respect of differing points of view.
- We want to promote uprightness. We want to be both faithful to the eternal truths of the Christian Scriptures and sensitive to the culture in which we live, learn, and minister.
- An inquisitive mind. We value the learning experience as a life long adventure.
- An irenic spirit. We value a healthy, humble, and honest interaction with differing points of view.
- An integrated life. We value a life that integrates intellectual understanding & confession, existential experience, and ethical conduct.