(01) 09_29_2019 Lk 8-4-15 Bad Soil
(02) 10_06_2019 Matt 13-10-17 Soil tests
(03) 10_13_2019 Matt 13-12 Gods role
(04) 10_20_2019 Mk 4-26-34 Patience
(05) 10_27_2019 Matt 13-24-43 Weeds
(06) 11_03_2019 Matt 13-44-46 Treasure and Sacrifice
(07) 11_10_2019 Matt 13-47-50 Good and Bad Fish
(08) 11_17_2019 Lk.15-1-10 Lost and Found
(09) 11_24_2019 Lk.15-11-16 The Prodigal's Pain
(10) 12_01_2019 Lk.15-17 The Prodigal's Insight
(11) 12_08_2019 Lk.15-18-21 The Prodigal's return
(12) 12_15_2019 Luke 15-20-24 The Prodigal Father
(13) 12_22_19 Jn 1-14-18 A Christmas story
(14) 12_29_2019 Luke 15-25-32 The Religious spirit
(15) 01_05_2020 Matt 18-21-27 Contrary ethics
(16) 01_12_2020 Matt 18-27-35 Counting the Cost
(17) 01_19_2020 Matt 18-34-35 Empathy Discipline
(18) 01_26_2020 Matt 20-1-16 Unjust wages
(19) 02_02_2020 Matt 21-23-32 Blessed Sinners
(20) 02_09_2020 Matt 21-33-45 Kingdom Fruit
(21) 02_16_2020 Matt 22-1-14 Wedding Clothes
(22) 02_23_2020 Lk 16-1-15 Shrewd Stewards
(23) 03_01_2020 Lk 16-19-31 Two rich men
(24) 03_08_2020 Lk 18-1-8 _Help (Audio starts at slide 19)
(25) 03_15_2020 2 Timothy 1_7 _Special Lesson_Managing Fear (No audio this week)
(26) 03_22_2020 Lk 13-6-9 Signs of the time
(27) 03_22_2020 Lk 18-9-14 Self Images
(28) 04_05_2020 Lk 10-29-37 Fully human
(29) 04_12_2020 Mark 2-18-22 New Day
(30) 04_19_2020 Lk 11-5-13 Jesus prayer seminar
(31) 04_26_2020 Lk 12-13-21 True and False Wealth
(32) 05_03_2020 Lk 12-22-34 Bird Watching
(33) 05_10_2020 Mk 13-28-37 Be on the Alert
(34) 05_17_2020 Matt 25-1-13 Prepared to Wait
(35) 05_24_2020 Matt 25-14-23 Productive Waiting
(36) 05_31_2020 Matt 25-24-27 A Wasted Life
(37) 06_07_2020 Matt 25-28-30 More or Less
(38) 06_14_2020 Lk 6-39-45 Spiritual Eyesight
(39) 06_21_2020 Lk 14-7-15 Humility and Honor
(40) 06_28_2020 Lk 14-11 Humility and Honor
(41) 07_05_2020 Lk 14-11 Humility
(42) 07_12_2020 Lk 14-15-24 God works gone bad
(43) 07_19_2020 Lk 14-25-35 Count the Cost
(44) 07_26_2020 Lk 5-36-39 New Rules
(45) 08_02_2020 Mk 7-5-23 Defilement
(46) 08_09_2020 2 Cor 5-7 Questions Addressed